December 3, 2010

Some of the pics from Nationals! More to come...


This means war!
Finals are here (thank goodness) I am seriously cracking down on this studying! I am so happy that I aced my chemistry test today, and am getting caught up in everything! Volleyball took a real toll on my studies! but....being 3rd in the Nation has its benefits as well! Luck for me, my professors have helped me out a lot and I am so thankful!

Now only a week and a help, before I get to go home! I can't wait to start my Christmas festivities, and shopping!

This Christmas season I have decided a few things:

When you are more aware about other people thank you are about yourself, you find so many amazing opportunities to help people!

I am FINALLY figuring out why I am here! A huge answer to my prayers!

I am going to see the real meaning of Christmas a lot more clear this year! I will try at least!

Happy Beginning of my Holidays....(once I get through finals!) ♥


November 14, 2010

Team update.

Just when I think my life might begin slowing down, My team has to win Region Conference, and be ranked #2 in the Nation. We will be heading to nationals on Tuesday in West Plains Missouri.I am really excited to see how we can do. The crazy thing is...I really believe we can go all the way. I will let you know how we do in a week. But what I do that I LOVE my team. ♥ I have never met 16 girls that come from different lives and backgrounds and get along so well. I love these girls. They are becoming the best friends in the world. Last night we went out to friends! It was the first time that we all did something together that wasn't required! And we loved it. We all felt so grown up and it was fun to get all dressed up and get away. Love these girls, and this is exactly why I believe we will Win the National tournament. Go mustangs...

October 15, 2010

{I have a dream...}

Someday I...
Someday I will...
Someday I will be...
Someday I will be a...
Someday I will be a nurse.

I'm not sure exactly how long I have had this dream, but I know now that it is a very vivid dream in my mind. I love the thought of saving lives, helping people, and always having a challenge. To be a nurse, means a job that is never boring. I love the thought of this. The thing I love most about nursing, is that there are so many different options for a career. I want to work in the ER. I want to deal with trauma, and see how well I can handle it. After a few years of experience I want to try working in Labor and Delivery. It seems like such a rewarding job. I can't wait to help amazing women through this time in their life, and be able to push them and also be a comfort. I can't wait to maybe work in an oncology unit. oncology is cancer. You may be thinking who in their right mind would want to do this. Well, that is where I come in. I would love to be the light in a troubled families life. A family with a cancer child, would seem like a family who has nothing to be happy about. I would get to know them, their favorite foods, be able to joke around and just make them smile. I think the job would be so sad, but I think I can handle it.


{Quote of the Day}

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

-Audrey Hepburn of my favorite words of advice of all time.

October 11, 2010

{the three month rule}

Yes, it hit me AGAIN that it is October. I have been outside exploring the city all morning, and The chilly breeze make my ears cold and my nose run! I love it! Now...let me explain to you about the wonderful 3 month rule:


Picture your life today....something will be changed, or completely different, or a big event will happen in your life within the next three months. I wonder what we become of it! Crazy On December 11th. I wonder what the life of Kortnie will bring...???

Until then, school is good. I finally feel somewhat caught up.

Miss Kortnie

October 10, 2010


October is Here...and Fall has set itself right in. I go through a weird phase every year, where I kind of get really excited about the fall, crisp weather outside. But then, there comes the times that I forget to take my jacket or wear warm clothes because its not a habit yet, and I hate the weather. The little leaves that we have here in this Beautiful city, are starting to change colors. And yes, this part makes me excited. I miss home, and I miss being able to enjoy the beautiful season changes, but...we know why I am here. So, I want to give this blog a little bit of a switch up. Within weeks now, I will officially be in the off season and have a lot of more free time. This is my hope anyway. I want to keep blogging about my life and my little journal entries, but I also want to through quotes, favorite foods, and pretty things in there. I also will be starting a goal list...I think the online thing will help bring my ambitions to life, and it will be fun to spice things up a bit. Like I have said before, it is crazy how this time of year seems to pick up speed. Before we know it, it will be time to start thinking of those New Years Resolutions. Untill next time, have a great day

Miss Kortnie♥

September 30, 2010

way too behind...

This one is for you sis. I don't have much to blog about today....this is just a rushed entry for Kate. I have been really stressed. Classes and work and volleyball are all getting much more intense and I'm finding it hard to manage! Although I am working through it, I just wish more than anything there was more time in a day. I would give anything for more time to do things I need to do, and also more time to sleep at night! maybe someday, when I create my own world I will think of this. Do not worry, I will do a rally good updating post with so many details, you won't know what to do with yourself.

Some things I know for sure:

My family loves me.
My Missionary loves me too, and is doing so well.
I love volleyball, for now...
School is redundant.
I can't wait to be a nurse.
I can't stand rude people.
Life is good.
Patience is key♥ to everything.
I love you Kate.
miss you.....i promise to do a good blog soon.

August 22, 2010



Ever Since I can remember, August has been an exciting month. It was always packed full of school shopping, fair times, end of summer camping trips, and half of my family's brithdays! Kade, my Daddy, and Kate all have August birthdays. So here is to another year! Cheers to them! I love you.

Well...first of all Kade, who is now a cute little teen! Where have the years flown by to. I actually can remember when he was born, bossing him around when he was old enough to play house and grocery store MY way! I love him. He is a little stud! Its hard being away from him.

Dad's birthday is next! My old man is the best man in the world! He is such a hard worker and has more patience than anyone I know. Thank you Dad for all the memories and love throughout the years!

Katie...Last but not least is my very Best Friend in the whole world. Only sisters have that kind of bond! There are so many things that sister's share! I miss my Kate! She is now the big 22! What a Rockstar! She is the best Mom and wife and I want to be like her someday! Love you Sis! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

August 15, 2010


Bre and I finally....after a week of two a days have set up our little apartment!!

If nothing else.....

The past year I have learned so much about life, about myself,and about what it feels like to really grow up. I hope I remember the little details that have brought me happiness but, at the start of this new school year, if nothing else....I have learned:

7:30 am classes are not an option.
I have really long toes! Much longer than most people!
Shut my car windows, even if it doesn't look like its going to rain soon!
Go to bed early.
The 4th floor of the library is the best for nap time.
Its fun to make new friends!
I study best by teaching others.
Rinse out my oatmeal bowls before I decide to leave it under me bed all year!
Clean up after myself...makes for happy roommates!
I like room temperature water.
Yoga. Pilates. Yes.
You don't have to go through the freshman 15.
I have drive.
I can run 13 miles without walking. I can.
I used to be a 13 year old too. Bratty...Yes, I used to be.
Go the people's fairwells.
I am stronger than I seem.
Andy Anderson is brilliant.
Its ok to be scared of the dark.
Mom usually knows best. Usually.
I know how to be an Army Girlfriend.
I know how to say goodbye to my missionary.
Patience is probably my life long goal.
Check on your toast when you use the oven on broil. OFTEN.
My sister is my best friend.
Even the brave may depend on SOMEONE.
There is only one road to true happiness.
Life is short and it goes by TOO FAST.
Wear Sunscreen.
I love the elderly.
My Dad works harder than anyone I know.
Drink a lot of water, and then some more.
I wouldn't wish Food Poisoning on my worst enemy.
I don't really have an enemy :).
"The Greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."
Never judge anyone.
Goodbyes are always hard.
Being an aunt is the greatest thing in the world.
I am fascinated by people's veins.
I love to write letters.
I hate empty mailboxes.
Spring Break is much more fun when you DON'T have a sprained ankle.
Take Risks, were only young once.
I love sad movies.
TWO WORDS: Intramural Champs!
Friends come and go....I'll never forget the times we had.
It is worth the WAIT! Believe me. and There should be more to come.
Family is the most important thing to me.
My brothers are studs.
It's ok to cry. It makes me feel better.
Did I mention I love Sad movies??
Be happy.
Someone is always watching!
I want to be a nurse even more than ever before.
I ♥ Life. I ♥ to Laugh.

Cheers to the next year! School starts in T-10 days. Here we go again!

August 10, 2010

The move...

Yes! I am all moved in! Can you believe it? I NEVER thought I would be here. I never thought I would be playing college volleyball, but I think I am really going to like it here. We have started two-a-days this week, and it is exhausting. I forgot how much I like volleyball and playing. There is a whole new pace however to this game. College is quick! We have a very deep, large team! Which should make for a lot of success! I love the thought of it. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to manage school, and this Full time job. Its not like other full time jobs, this is going to be physically challenging and demanding. Can I do this?? I will keep you updated on everything that I can. Wish me luck!

July 16, 2010


Yes, some are from Kate's blog. Dont hate. ♥

Fork in the Road

Well I guess I should come out and tell the story. Yes I am having a huge change of plans. A huge blessing [I hope] just sort of landed itself into my lap, and this is the story...

So over a month ago, I was feeling pretty confused and stressed about school, and money espcially ( this is the super short versioin). but anyway, One thing led to another and I had the feeling to call my friend Bre From Idaho. She was having a hard time deciding where to go to school, whether to play ball or not. Anyway I was helping her work through her struggles and when she mentioned WEstern Wyoming, I had the MOST overwhelimg feeling that for some reason I was supposed to go there. I was not sure why. I thought I was over the whole volleyball things but I could not shake the idea. I was so confused, I had no idea where all this came from, but the one thing that I was very sure about, was that this feeling was a prompting, from the Lord. So pretty much I called up the coach, and he asked if I could come try out the next morning at 7 am, OUT OF NOWHERE. He knew exactly who I was, and had been hearing about me throughout the day WHEN I called him. RANDOM. How would all this happen out of nowhere? Where was all this coming from!! I thought I was over the whole volleyball thing, and I thought I had my life figured out. I was super emotional...thats an understatement. WAY emotional. I guess everything bottled up was coming out. but Ricky and my family talked me into going and just trying out. I had nothing to lose. So I went!

And.... He loved me. He loved my game, even though I have not played in over a year! Seriously this was so crazy. gosh! but he loved my maturity and wanted me real bad. So he offered me everything. EVERYTHING meaning housing tuition, food. Full Ride. I thought this would help make my decisions, but it took me forever. Again I was SO confused, I thought maybe this was a way for me to finally have closure and let all this idea of college ball go. But I couldn;t, it kept coming back to my mind, and I wasn't able to focus on anything. So, I prayed. More than I ever had yet in my life. I know the lord just wanted me to make a decision. Either way I would be happy and succussful, but maybe, just maybe this was a way that I could get my school paid for, to not be stressed about money, untill I get accepted into nursing school! So, I decided to take the offer. So, Miss kortnie Christiansen, 5'8, Outside hitter, Libero is heading to Wyoming this fall on a volleyball scholarship. What do you think about that? It was so crazy how it all just literally fell into place, out of nowhere, completely unexpected. So I signed for a year, to just get things paid for while I apply to nursing programs back here in Utah, and then most likely I will be back at WEber, or Utah State in a year. So thats my crazy story. It was just so weird. I have never had a prompting that strong in my whole life. I am proud of myself for following it. If nothing else I will gain from all this, I have learned how to listen to the spirit,If thats what it was anyway...

So Now I am pretty overwhlemed with getting myself all ready to go. Back into shape. Back to the Volleyball World. So here we go. I will be moving there August 7 bright and early (Kade's Bday...I feel bad:(...) For my physical, move in, and scrimmage that night. Let the games begin.


Yes. I said it. I am struggling, in the blogging area of my life, and many others as well. I'M SORRY! I wanted to be a go getter blogger, and update like crazy and keep it up, but I just have been so busy. I know that is my excuse every time, Katie will attest to that one. But I am trying. Its the Effort that counts! Well, the Summer is...well coming to an end a lot faster than I planned on. I have been working many hours at the nursing home. Oh the joy of working as a CNA. Life is Busy. And then I find myself, lonely on a Friday night, missing important people in my life, that I resort back to pouring my heart out to the blog. Too bad this thing doesn't talk back to me! [Dont you worry...I pretend it does anyway!] I miss Katie. My sister. Alot. I miss Ricky, my best friend. Alot too. I miss my dad. Too much. I miss my mom, even though I see her all the time. I want to just soak up as much family time as I can get. I miss my brothers. They grow up too fast. How am I going to be able to just leave them.

I guess this is all part of GROWING UP. I can deal.

May 18, 2010

HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me!!!

Well, many of you are probably older than me so birthdays are not cool anymore! But...I just had another one. 19 years old! The past year went by all too fast, but I don't mind if time passes fast! You see, my birthday was the 14, and I had just barely moved into my new house with new roommates 4 days earlier. But they are all so cute and wrote cute little birthday notes all over out new house!

Any made cupcakes later that night. But for my birthday I woke up, and took a nice little birthday job, of 4.5 miles!

Not bad, it was a beautiful morning, then went to lunch and shopped with Kate and Ty,

then went to dinner with my mom and the family, then us girls went to see Letter's to Juliet! Very Very cute movie FYI! Definitely a fun little birthday flick!

So it was a good day! Then on Saturday....Kate and I AGAIN hit another huge milestone! 9 miles! Let me repeat....9 FREAKING MILES!!! We are almost to double digits! Wow, it was a brutal run, bloody toes,blister from sucky socks, and ummm I may or may not have gotten attacked by a dog! But, I can't remember! It was a brutal run for sure, but an accomplishment none the less! Go US!

May 2, 2010

8 mile??

Well, I hit another milestone! Goodness! Yesterday, I ran the farthest I have ever ran before! That phrase is becoming very familiar! But we ran 8 miles! 8 WHOLE MILES! and we RAN the entire time! We tried out some new stuff during the run! It was called GU! It was supposed to replace the electrolytes that we sweat out! They weren't my favorite, but I don't really have anything to compare it to. I have never ran 8 miles, well without it! So I guess it helped....RIGHT??? LOL Surprisingly I felt SO good the whole time. we did just an easy out and back run, which i personally LOVE! So GO KORTNIE! ♥ It was an amazing stress reliever and just felt good!

This is us after the run!! Looking good right????

April 30, 2010


Life is so full of twists and turns. I have been sitting around thinking, nope not getting anything done, staring out the window looking at the rain. I'm a winner right?. go me. But wow, growing up is rough some times.

But I don't really want to talk about all that drama right now. too much to take. So...lets talk about another stressful topic! My boyfriend, of one year...Will be leaving for his mission in June, June 16 to be exact. 2 long years. If you haven't noticed I am in the mood to be a "Negative Nancy"! And to be more accurate, he isn't even home yet. He will be getting home from the Army stuff May 30th ish! Gosh! Stressful. I have known the whole time that this was coming, but the thought still kills me everytime.

I LOVE THE NEW SONG by KE$HA! Your Love is my drug! So awesome! Katie and I both Love it, hopefully it will be a good one to run to! Gosh I just wanna be a junkie and be a beach bum for the rest of my life!

I am diggin the rain, who needs sunshine??

Love you all! Love NANCY!

April 25, 2010


I can't wait for the time when me and Katie can say "We did it", and it be for our ultimate goal to begin with! But...I still DID IT! I ran the longest I have ever ran in my life yesterday evening! 7 full miles! Can you believe it! WOW! Katie was doing hair at the salon all day, and we had planned that we were going to do the run when she was done. I am pretty suprised actually that I wasn't dreading the crap out it all day! I was pretty excited! I ate well all day, and it was so exciting! So, we ran from my mom's house out in Millville, into Logan, past Macey's and such to the light after it! That distance was 3.5 miles, so then we ran back! the total was 7! YAY!! Katie should be posting the pre/post run pics...NOT very flattering of us! But I am so proud of us! We even sprinted to the end! And SHE is a stallion, we think she has a stress fracture in her foot and she still battled through it! I am so glad that us sister's are running partners! There is never any pressure to talk about stupid stuff, just to make conversation! We ran without ipods (SCARY THOUGHT!!!), but it wasn't very bad! We ran the whole thing except for a short pit stop! I had a very full bladder:) But other than that...we ran the whole time and pulled out the energy for the little sprint at the end! During the sprint we were yelling encouraging things at each other ( "come on...lets go! We can do it!!! Beat me beat me!") Kinda WAY cheesy looking back, but we do what we gotta do! Crazy! Congrats Katie and Kortnie! We Rock Chica!

Excited for the Final be OVER!

Well, here we go! I am down to the final 2 weeks of school. One more week of classes and learning, then a full cramming study weekend and then the final exams! Can you believe seriously that I am finishing my first year of college! Time flies by when you are busy. And i think it flew even faster because all of this was a new experience for me! Looking back, I realize that I love school even more! I love all of the new people that I have met! I have loved my roommates and that whole experience. School itself has been hard, but I love the subjects I have been in! Next semester (fall 2010) is going to be so frustrating! I guess I should have evaluated everything out before signing up for classes, but I have to take LAME math 1050! I should have just taken it in high school. I know EVERYONE has to go through it, but I totally think I will suck my way through it! then I am taking Microbiology, and some Chemistry classes, and who knows what else is in store! But...after that semester I can apply for nursing school! I have a feeling that it will be a giant waiting game to get accepted, but I am so excited that it came sooner than I thought.

So, I know I am being a little bit of a hypocrite, but I am really going to hit this blogginng thing hard...After Finals! Then Hello Summer! Hopefully I will have a lot more time and energy for all of this! Love you all:)

April 21, 2010

Freshhh Start!

So, here we go! This is officially my new attempt at blogging! I have been looking and following a lot of blogs lately and I got all inspired to give this another shot! I am still very new to this, so don't judge! Anyways...I just got done with a good day at school, a short day at work, and going to do my daily run here pretty soon! I decided a while ago, well should I say, Me and Kate, my sister decided to start training for a half marathon! So we signed up!

It is the Utah Valley Marathon June 12, 2010....So very soon! We have been training pretty consistant aside from a sprained KANKLE of mine a few weeks ago! That put me a little off track, but we are just getting back into the heat of the training! I am loving it so far, although I still have those days where I am not looking forward to running, or the days I just feel like eating junk food! Other than that it has been great! Today I will be running 4.5 miles. Its rainy outside, but cool none the less, perfect opportunity! I am really excited!

Also, big news of the week, I signed my housing contract for the summer and am looking forward to the move! I am moving in with all random girls, so we will see how that goes! It is super cute little house, right here close to campus with a little yard! PERFECT for laying out in the summer! WOO! It can't come soon enough!

Anyway, other than that...I will update you often on how my life is going!! Love you all!