October 15, 2010

{I have a dream...}

Someday I...
Someday I will...
Someday I will be...
Someday I will be a...
Someday I will be a nurse.

I'm not sure exactly how long I have had this dream, but I know now that it is a very vivid dream in my mind. I love the thought of saving lives, helping people, and always having a challenge. To be a nurse, means a job that is never boring. I love the thought of this. The thing I love most about nursing, is that there are so many different options for a career. I want to work in the ER. I want to deal with trauma, and see how well I can handle it. After a few years of experience I want to try working in Labor and Delivery. It seems like such a rewarding job. I can't wait to help amazing women through this time in their life, and be able to push them and also be a comfort. I can't wait to maybe work in an oncology unit. oncology is cancer. You may be thinking who in their right mind would want to do this. Well, that is where I come in. I would love to be the light in a troubled families life. A family with a cancer child, would seem like a family who has nothing to be happy about. I would get to know them, their favorite foods, be able to joke around and just make them smile. I think the job would be so sad, but I think I can handle it.


{Quote of the Day}

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

-Audrey Hepburn

...one of my favorite words of advice of all time.

October 11, 2010

{the three month rule}

Yes, it hit me AGAIN that it is October. I have been outside exploring the city all morning, and The chilly breeze make my ears cold and my nose run! I love it! Now...let me explain to you about the wonderful 3 month rule:


Picture your life today....something will be changed, or completely different, or a big event will happen in your life within the next three months. I wonder what we become of it! Crazy stuff....so On December 11th. I wonder what the life of Kortnie will bring...???

Until then, school is good. I finally feel somewhat caught up.

Miss Kortnie

October 10, 2010


October is Here...and Fall has set itself right in. I go through a weird phase every year, where I kind of get really excited about the fall, crisp weather outside. But then, there comes the times that I forget to take my jacket or wear warm clothes because its not a habit yet, and I hate the weather. The little leaves that we have here in this Beautiful city, are starting to change colors. And yes, this part makes me excited. I miss home, and I miss being able to enjoy the beautiful season changes, but...we know why I am here. So, I want to give this blog a little bit of a switch up. Within weeks now, I will officially be in the off season and have a lot of more free time. This is my hope anyway. I want to keep blogging about my life and my little journal entries, but I also want to through quotes, favorite foods, and pretty things in there. I also will be starting a goal list...I think the online thing will help bring my ambitions to life, and it will be fun to spice things up a bit. Like I have said before, it is crazy how this time of year seems to pick up speed. Before we know it, it will be time to start thinking of those New Years Resolutions. Untill next time, have a great day

Miss Kortnie♥