December 7, 2011


Just the sophomores on our last home game

One win to Go...

I have finally come to the point that I want to talk about the National Tournament…the moment we have all been waiting for.

Overall, our whole season was an emotional roller coaster. There were very high highs, and very low lows. We have the most talented team I have ever seen, and luckily we were able to slide through most of our season with ease. We were challenged a few times throughout the regular season, but nothing compared to the challenges that arose at the National Tournament. I am a firm believer that ANYTHING…and I mean anything crazy and unexpected can happen in West Plains, Missouri.

You see more fight than anywhere else in the world. Everyone at the tournament is a winner. Everyone deserves to be there. There are underdogs and there are stars. Every single year, without fail….dreams come true and hearts are broken. There is a winner, and there is a loser. One thing that I have found is, no matter how rocky the road to a championship game may be….no one remembers the 2nd place team.

It breaks my heart that that was my team. We worked our little hearts out all week. We beat Barton College (Kansas), Iowa Western College, and the Defending National Champions- Western Nebraska....

We made it all the way to the top, to the National Championship game.

The game was against the huge powerhouse, undefeated Blinn College from Texas. I truly now believe that everything really is bigger in Texas. Anyway, without too much detail, we get beat. They were just the better team that showed up that night. We did give everything we could, and used everything we had but it was just not quite good enough.

I cannot really describe how bitter that loss felt. We lost the National Championship, and then had to stand there emotional, watching them celebrate with a little too much swag.

However, the sting did wear off and looking back now everything feels a lot better. I can now talk about the experience with a big smile on my face.

I got on the NJCAA web site, and nothing is mentioned about us. People remember the winners….only the losers remember how heartbreaking it is.

That is the brutal truth. That was the reality for my team. But, cheers to us for being the 2nd BEST team in the country! What an amazing experience to be there, playing for an audience of thousands. I felt more pressure, excitement, nervousness, and pride than I have ever felt in my life. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to be there, and here for this past 2 ish years. I have come to love Rock Springs. It was always, always have a very special place in my heart. ♥

My apologies...

Well, well, well....It is that time of year again. You know, the one that I apologize for being a terrible blogger and getting too busy or wrapped up in the life all around me.

So much is happening...I mean Wow...I woke up to it being December 7. Where has the semester gone to? I am just about as close to being done with Finals week as you can get, I move home in 2 days, Volleyball is over....forever, I have to tell you all about Nationals, and I just might have a few other things to talk about as well. ♥ Just know, that I now can breath a little...I actually have time to do things for fun, and I will now be a little more committed to the blog...Oh, how I have missed you. Much love to come.


October 5, 2011

Hello October

Hello October,
You sure have been good to me. Although I am only been into you for 5 days, it sure has been great. The weather has been nice, with the first hint of cold weather coming this morning (not like the 2 calendar weeks ago last year).

I think a lot of new changes are on their way.
We welcomed conference.
Welcome pumpkins.
Welcome scarves and sweaters.
Welcome my new Fall playlist of my favorite tunes.
Welcome new friendships.
Welcome my first tutoring paycheck.
Welcome October...♥

September 16, 2011

{Find the Love}

It takes over everything you are.

It makes you do things you never thought you could do before.

But that's what makes it so can't control it.

It changes everything in a's Love.

So many times when I go throughout my day, I feel like something is missing. I get so wrapped up inthe chaos of life that I forget to slow down...and love a little.

I want to fall in love with as many things as I can in my matter what they are.

Today I am so grateful for my team. I love those girls. We are like sisters. Our season is progressing and it has been a bumpy ride, but I love it. I love the smell of the gym. I love the hundreds of cheering fans. I love running together and crying together. I am proud to be a leader and a captain of this team, although we have many. I love where I am at in my life, and if I had to choose...I would not be anywhere different.

There are many different types of love. I am not looking for love right now I am just loving life and hoping as I do doors will open and I can reach my dreams. Never take any day for granted. We never know when it may be our last. Life is too short not to love.

It brings a whole new perspective when I look at each day this way. Love and Happiness are moments within us.

September 1, 2011

{Service...and The Help}

Do we really have any idea how blessed we are?

I have no doubt in my heart that there is someone up above looking down at us. Every moment of every day...someone is watching out for me. This week, is a testimony of that.

I am here to tell you that I know people come into our lives at the right time. Everyone we meet has a purpose in our life. Or maybe, just maybe we have a purpose in theirs.

I want to be the kind of girl that people can come in contact with, and be happy that they met me. I want to serve. I want to help people the way I have been helped.

My heart is so full....

I want to challenge everyone, wherever you are, to find someone this week and help them. Karma is real...or maybe a real big hoax... but there is something magic that comes back to you, when you take the time to serve others.

don't believe me? try it. you will see.
Speaking of Helping...and that big H word. I want to see The Help so bad. But before I watch the movie, I really want to read the book.

August 15, 2011

{Player Bio}

Today in between practices, we had to fill out our Athlete Play Bio Form for the College website and all that jazz... It truly was a simple task, but knowing me,it got my mind a churning...

In the bio, it asks just a few short questions. It is just general information really, but for some reason I always find it kind of hard to answer some of them.

I am still not really sure where I consider my hometown. There, I said it... I am not sure why this is so hard for me. I went to the same high school for all 4 years. You could say a lot of my childhood and adolescenthood (is that even a word) was spent in Fielding, Utah. Fielding felt like home for many years, but since all my family is gone from doesn't feel like my home. Kate got married and moved on with her life. Dad moved to Idaho. Mom and the brothers moved to Millville. Kortnie moved out and went to college. Where is my home?

This summer I lived with Mom at her house. Home always feels like wherever my family is, so I guess you could say I lived at home. However, on this college player bio form...when it asked for my hometown, I couldn't really say Millville because I never grew up there, and I have no roots there. I am rambling I know, I just needed to voice the hometown dilema.

On to a more positive note, I wanted to share my 'favorite quote' with you. (this was also a bio question).

{Promise me you'll always remember}

"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Christopher Robin to Pooh [In the Hundred Acre Wood]

The video is really quiet...turn it up:) This is from me to you.

August 14, 2011

{Sushi Night}

Well, we made it through the first week of two-a-days alive...bruised and beaten, but alive nonetheless! To celebrate this little accomplishment we all went out as a team to Bonsai, a little Chinese Cuisine for dinner!

I have only tried Sushi twice in my whole life! Once, forced by my track coach, and Second by my friend's Dad when I went to eat with their family. I didn't really know how I felt about it because I tried the super mild kinds...Until last night...I discovered....I LOVE Sushi!

I have a feeling I will be craving it randomly from now on throughout the rest of my life.

Do you recognize me as a blonde??

It was such a fun little dinner date with my girls.
After dinner, we all came back to the apartment dorms and a few of us decided to watch the Notebook. What a lovely evening. I hope to have more team bonding moments in the near future! Aren't my teammates beautiful?? I think so too!

Way to go team! Only one more week of two a days...

August 10, 2011

{Faith In Goodbyes}

Life changes so fast. It is really hard to think of a day or a week when you don't have to say bye to someone. We are constantly leaving, and changing, and moving on with different parts of our lives. Think about it. Who was the last person you said bye to?

Goodbyes, however are a little different than just a "bye". Does that make sense to anyone but me? Goodbyes are more long term. Longer than just a while, or a short time. Goodbyes produce the lack of something, a kind of void that is maybe hard to replace. Goodbyes maybe also produce an unknown-The unknown of when exactly one will reunite.

I recently had to say goodbye to my family, when I moved back to Wyoming for school. I say goodbye to my amazing Dad whenever I see him, because I never know when the next visit will be. I said goodbye to friends from high school at graduation. I have said goodbye to new friends in new places. I have said goodbye to a soldier in training he headed off to boot camp. I have said goodbye to a missionary who I was in love with.

The hardest thing about goodbyes, are that they never get easier. When I am not around the people I love, I feel like I am missing part of their lives. While my missionary is gone, I feel like he is missing mine. We miss the ones we love. In a way I try to have faith in my goodbyes. When it hurts to say goodbye, it reminds me that there is love between us. I have faith that I will see these people again. I have faith that goodbyes have made me stronger. I truly believe I am a little less insecure because I have learned how to handle a goodbye. And when I finally get to be with the ones I love will be the best feeling ( IT IS THE BEST FEELING!) to have them back again and realize it was all worth it. I am so lucky to have people in my life that it was hard to say goodbye to. I have faith that maybe there is a little good in goodbyes.

August 2, 2011

{There is no Arizona}

Katie and Brian are moving to Yuma Arizona...within a few weeks. I am so excited for them, and a little depressed at the same time. Kate...your my best friend sis♥ and Brian, well I guess I like you too! I will miss my sweet little Ty. He is growing up so much.

Over the last year, I have grown so close to Brian and Kate...especially Kate. I look up to Bri so much and admire his brain power and his dedication to school. I think he is a big part of why I decided to actively engage myself in school. The other day...Katie made a comment about me being a perfectionist [while I was crafting, and taping off a few things to create], Brian was helping me figure it out. Then he fired a witty little comment back at her"Kate you just don't have a scientific mind like us!"I was laughing so hard. I love you sis, and No one in the whole wide world can do my hair as good as you♥

Katie has been my rock for many years, and now I want to be hers. I am trying to be so positive about the move, and look at all the good in the situation. They will have a cute little house and a pool! Lucky right? I am sure that if I keep a smile on my face...I will keep the tears away for a while longer.

August 1, 2011

{My Stalker and A cute maintenance guy}

I currently am sitting on campus, trying to study but am getting a little distracted by the cute maintenance guy who is installing a new camera on the ceiling....kinda right above me. I must claim that I WAS here first, but I don't really find the need to bother moving! What do you think? Kortnie the Creep. haha Well, he smiled at me♥

AND....There was a stalker sighting. I haven't mentioned much about this, because I am not sure how public this will get..but I might have a stalker. Well, stalker might not be the right word, but this guy is a little obsessive. Here is the story:

Last week I decided that I needed a massive cardio workout. So inevitably I resorted to running Old Main stairs a million times. It was a great workout...and we all know how cute I look when I get done running. Cherry red face, sweating from everywhere you can see, crazy lioness hair on tip of my head, shaking get the picture. So, I sat down out of the way and was just listening to some calm tunes for a cool down. I didn't feel like "walking it off". So then....just as my sweat is starting to dry all salty like, some guy walks up behind me...and then slowly past me....and then stops. He was just like akwardly standing there about 5 feet away from me, facing the opposite direction. Like...umm ok?? What would possess him to stop there....mid hill and just stand there? Its not like he needed to take a breather....he was on the downhill. I'm still confused. Anyway, he then turns around and asked if I was working out. I of course said yes, completely stating the obvious. So then he keeps standing there, and the seconds tick on... and I began to get a little weirded out. He asked about my major and how long I had been at school here, and I never really returned the question. The conversation was very one sided. So then he stood and pondered a little longer, still looking in opposite directions. hahaha

So then, he turns around and goes in to shake my hand and tells me his name. This is when...I let my brilliant little mind relax for like two seconds too long. He said "I know this is probably completely unorthodox... but could I get your number?" AHHH....WHAT WAS I THINKING. I didn't really know what to say, and I forgot my sneaky avoidance tactics and I gave it to him. Dumb Dumb idea. So...a few days later, our first texting conversation consisted of me telling him I was not at all interested and that I was seriously dating someone. (My imaginary boyfriend for the time being). He didn't take this well. He said that he will never give up and that I don't know what I am missing. OMG. seriously?? We said all of 10 words to each other! Am I just that irresistible? I guess so. when he texts or calls on a daily basis...I do a lot of ignoring and avoiding.

I spotted him. Same back pack. Same hair line. Same awkward gait. IT had to be him, so I hurry and put on my [fake] glasses and started intently studying (blogging)! haha Luckily he didn't turn around or really scan the premises. I dodged the bullet. That would be a real sticky situation. haha Thats all really...I'm becoming real sneaky. That would be funny if he read this. Well...maybe not!


July 31, 2011

{Mrs. Perry and the Lake}

♥Ever since I was a tiny little girl....Bear Lake has always been a dreamy vacation spot. Everything from the sandy beaches to the raspberry shakes, I always come away from the lake feeling so happy! This last week, My Momma planned a getaway for the day up at the lake for Kyle, Kade, Kate, Brian, Ty, and Me♥. Everything was so fun, but then....I remembered a small detail.

That was going to be the last time we could be altogether for a while. The brutal reality is as follows: I am moving back to Wyoming next week. Kate and Brian took a job in Yuma Arizona. They will be moving at the beginning of September. I am still in at the point where I am just avoiding the thought of everything. For right now anyway. But, I am sure these next (6 days) are going to go by all too quickly.

I will start packing this week. I have finals. I have to stay consistent in my workouts. I will....I have to...bla bla bla. This list goes on and on.

On to a more positive note...Kate and I got to have a little sister getaway. We had an amazing night at Katy Perry singing, screaming and crying our eyes out! Pics are to come:)....when I find them!

July 20, 2011

16 [remaining] days of summer...

Well well well...How is it that I am not at all surprised at how fast Summer has slipped away to? Amidst school, family, friends, and an occasional trip to the pool, I dare say it has been a pretty good one! However, I did learn a lot about myself again this go-round of school and other things...

  • Summer school is FAST..and its a doosy!
  • There are really cute boys at the gym.
  • Always, always have your toes painted, no one ever wants to see those not so cute toes!
  • Don't wear short shorts in lecture will stick to the seat.
  • Wear Sunscreen. (I am getting better at this one).
  • Every one loves curly hair. Even mine that looks a little lion-ish!
  • Play hard. Sleep Lots.
  • Enjoy the friend and family times, mostly the latter.
I am down to the finally 2 weeks before moving back to Wyoming. I have totally mixed feelings about this. I wish Summer would have been a little more laid back and playful, but desperate times call for very desperate measures. Its time to start packing again....for lovely two-a-days.

BUT...I am not going to get too ahead of myself!...I WILL enjoy every last minute here. I WILL♥

June 19, 2011

My Hero

My Hero♥

My Hero is an amazing man.
He is the bravest man I know.
He is patient...Always patient.
He is one of the only people who can make me laugh everytime I am with him.
He is a miracle worker.
He is strong.
He is so smart and know everything I don't.
He is always giving.
He is always teaching me to be a better person.
He is handsome.
He believes in me.
I know I can always trust him.
He never fails to be there when I need him.
He is one of the hardest workers in the world.
He has given me an amazing unshakeable foundation and I want the world to know that he is a big part of who I am today.
I love my Hero. I love you Dad.
You are amazing and despite all of the hard times and distance you are still the best Dad in the world. Happy Fathers Day. I hope someday I can really show you what you mean to me. Thank you for never giving up on me.

June 15, 2011

Ittie Bittie update....

So...I am definitely over my little depression stage on Monday! I think I must have been very sleepy, hungry and stressed out about school! All 10 credits are under way...and I am calling myself crazy for taking upon this workload...But I decided to change my little attitude and stay positive! Its about freakin time. I don't plan on having my gloomy self creep back around until the Dreary Winter months, or maybe Finals week in August ♥

So this is a little of what I have been up to....

A little plasmaphoresis...."nope....I still don't have AIDS."

This is my Personal Record in bowling. Yes that is a 179.

My favorite person to be with as of sweet Terror Ty.

Stripes and Pink♥ went to a wedding.

Love this temple!!

June 13, 2011

Depression moment.

Wasn't Summer supposed to be like...sunny? Relaxing maybe??

Logan knows no such thing. It is Now June 13 and I have not even been to the pool once. Depressing! School is full fledged on a roll...and it is officially kicking my booty. Summer semester takes twice the focus, triple the workload...and a million time a huge damper on Summer plans. My car is struggling, I am still jobless...and donating the maximum amounts of plasma. This was my depression moment. thats all♥
Next time will be a little more cheerful. Once Summer shows up.

May 20, 2011

{No longer a Teen}

I am 20 and I am Blonde.

I had a birthday last week! It was such a fun weekend and day! You see, I got together with a couple friends and we all went camping! We went up to the gorge and went fishing and boating and riding motorcycles! It got a little crazy:) Then in the morning....all my friends had the priviledge of waking up to my bright and smiling 20 year old self! AHH:) I'm twenty.

I think 20 is a rough age. Lately I have been having a few mid life (20s_ life crisises) haha I will explain that a little later! But here is to being 20...and BLONDE! Kate and I decided late one night to get started at the salon on my lion hair! It was a long....4 hour process....but as the outcome, I am now Blonde! I love it, it is a great change and she did sooo good! She is amazing! Hairstylist of the year!

I feel so BLONDE,old, so young, so alive, and so adventurous...and a lot more FUN!!!


It is possible. Its not easy. It will be many long nights, many early mornings, and missing nap time. It is stressful. It is deep. BUT it IS worth it.

A little background information. I am a pretty confident girl, but when it comes to looking at scores on exams, or grades...I am a nervous wreck. Picture this. Stalling, and taking forever to even gain up the courage to be on the right webpage. Then...I carefully click my way to the "page before the big moment"....and pause....take a deep breath, and make a small hole between my thumbs and pointer fingers....and Look through the magical little diamond shape. I am ridiculous, but it never fails to be my routine....

Ladies and Gentlemen... I finally summoned up the courage to look at my Spring semester grades. Besides the fact that I set a goal for myself long ago to get a 4.0, and failing time after time (not literally getting F's) But not quite getting a 4.0......I went through the normal routine.

And......I DID IT. I got my first 4.0! Like my whole life!

I love this feeling when everything seems to pay off! I worked my little booty off for this one and I am so glad that I was able to pull it off! What a great semester...a tough one none the less. And now the Bar is set very high....Lets see what I can do now! Bring it on Summer Semester.....I'm praying it will be worth it again!

May 10, 2011


Why can't I focus? Goshhhhh....frustrating, but pretty funny!

Since when do I decide to make a full blown detailed and doodled list of my future children's names?
Since when do I decide to check every blog I ever followed....(well I do this a lot...but its NOT THE TIME)?!
Since when do I gladly volunteer to make an emergency run to Wal-Mart to get my roommate some much needed things hahaha♥??
Since WHEN do I love watching the same Lady Gaga music video over and over and overrr again??

Oh right......Probably during finals week.

Well, I could at least share the new beautiful song with you. I love the sax.


Yes...Yet again I do believe Finals will be the death of me. Why is this week so stressful? And Why is it that during this VERY important week, I have the least motivation scholastically that I have ALL SEMESTER.....Yes, Finals will be the death of me.

But...When inevitably I make it through them alive and well...I will be looking forward to a special day. I will no longer be a teen. Yes, I am entering the 20 somethings.....♥ I am a little excited. I will be moving home and turning 20 all in the same weekEND. That is if I make it through finals.

I'm burried in books, craving every food you can think of, and trying endlessly to not get too distracted with my "study playlist" the making. I am so grateful for the chance to get an education (on a positive note)!...I CAN COUNT THE DAYS ON ONE HAND untill I am done.

Then...bring on the summer school. Nerd Fest to the max, but I hope in August when I am facing finals again...I will be happy I made the sacrafice. Summer update will be soon!

May 7, 2011

{My Momma}

My Mom is one of the strongest people I know.
She knows how to fix everything.
She gives the best back tickles in church.
She is beautiful.
She has the best laugh, late at night when she is kind of delusional.
She has a beautiful singing voice.
She is always thinking of others before herself.
She deserves the whole world, and someday, I am going to find a way to give it to her.
She knows how to love.
She knows how to mend a broken heart.
She knows how to work.
I love looking at my Momma's hands...they have done so much.
I wish I could be with you today Mom.
Happy Mother's Day, you better know I love you from the bottom of my heart.♥

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mothers in my life. Grandmas, Aunts, Sister, Step Mom ( I love you Wendy)....I hope to be half the Mother's you are some day.

May 6, 2011

Ocean Waves...

I found this quote today, and I love it. It is empowering and makes me never want to give up.

Someday I want to live by the Ocean! Beside the fact that it would be amazing to run in the sand, lay out whenever I want, build sand castles, and collect seashells....

I would love to be able to see the Ocean everyday. It is so powerful and never stops moving. It is constant. It is beautiful♥

May 2, 2011

Mother {MAY} I...

Its here.
My favorite month of the year has arrived.
I love May for so many reasons:
Mothers Day
May flowers from April showers.
School ending...(Have to make it through finals first)
Legitimate Amounts of Sunshine!

I love this time of is so refreshing to watch everything come alive! Everything goes from gray to green. I love the rain. I love when you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. I love when you have to turn the AC in the car on for the first time (hasn't happened yet here...). Pools open up. I turn another year older and wiser! I love May.

April 30, 2011

{Royal Wedding}

I know we have all heard way too much about the wedding of Will and Kate... but I wanted to get in my two cents.

First, I think Kate is the most beautiful girl in the world! She looked so elegant and gorgeous and not overwhelmed at all about what she was marrying into the royal family! Sometimes I wonder if when she was a little girl, she would have ever pictured herself to be a real Princess. I mean, I know I did....but my dream hasn't exactly came true like her's has!

Isn't her dress the most beautiful dress in the world. I loved lace before, but now I really love it! Her train, her tiara, her veil, Pippa's dress....everything is perfect!

I love that she looks so natural and simple, while at the same time...stunning! I love the natural look for make up for sure!

And of course the most romantic moment I have seen since Belle kissed the Beast, Cinderella kissed her prince....Will & Kate's Royal Kiss. I got big ol' tears in my eyes...I can't wait to be married. Prince will come!


And now...for my happily ever after....{In the making}
As anyone who knows me would tell you, I LOVE weddings and pretty things and white dresses! Iam hopeless, and waiting patiently for my special day.

This is where I want to get castle:)

I will do my dream wedding post soon! XOXO...

{New Addition}

Meet my new baby brother....

Rhett Sammy Christiansen. Named after my grandpa Sammy Christiansen. Can't wait for him to realize how amazing our Dad is and to be a part of our crazy family!

Team Adventures...

I love these girls.♥


Well well well...As the year is really coming to a close, (I know I say it all the time) but the time really went by so fast. We had our concluding Athletic Banquet for the college last night. All the athletes and their families, and community support attended. It was a dinner and program type thing, and we had to go up on stage to be presented our acknowledgements! I just got my first year collegiate participation award and Academic All Conference Award:) We did so well as a team this year and it was fun to reflect back on the memories from our season! That was officially the last time that our full team would be together on a formal occasion! Next year will be new faces and new Chemistry and hopefully a new level of success, but only time will tell.

I Love my coach! I am so lucky to have such a good level or support and life advice from him whenever I need it. He cares about each of us individually, as well as his players. I LOVE my team and everything that we have done together! I love that through the blood, sweat, and tears...we grew together and became a little family. I will forever love these girls and be so grateful that I am here with them! I love the thought of finishing together, something we all came here and started together for! Last year when we all met each other for the first time, and when we roughed it through those few weeks of 2-a-days...I never would have pictured to love each and every one of them. We are a big group of best friends forever!

I will be so sad to let Kirsti and Chelsea go from out team next year. They were our sophomores! I had a different level of connection with them because they are my age! and We were roommates! I love Them so much! Best Friends forever!

Mom Was able to come down for the festivities! It was good to have her there with me, reliving what she has already been through! I have the world's best support system. ♥

April 17, 2011

{Spring Break...a bit belated}

This is Kate, my sister, best friend and her sweet little family. Look at me adorable nephew. Miss them sooo much.

This is the girls! Candace Clifford, my teammate, me, and her best friend (our hostess for the week) Kearsten.

Rock Climbing, hiking....lots of adventures in St. George.
Should I jump???
Pedicures!! and girls nights...

This was such a fun filled Spring Break. I met LOTS of fun new friends who I still talk to ♥. Sorry so late....but these are just a few of the pictures. Can't wait to go back in the summer!