August 15, 2011

{Player Bio}

Today in between practices, we had to fill out our Athlete Play Bio Form for the College website and all that jazz... It truly was a simple task, but knowing me,it got my mind a churning...

In the bio, it asks just a few short questions. It is just general information really, but for some reason I always find it kind of hard to answer some of them.

I am still not really sure where I consider my hometown. There, I said it... I am not sure why this is so hard for me. I went to the same high school for all 4 years. You could say a lot of my childhood and adolescenthood (is that even a word) was spent in Fielding, Utah. Fielding felt like home for many years, but since all my family is gone from doesn't feel like my home. Kate got married and moved on with her life. Dad moved to Idaho. Mom and the brothers moved to Millville. Kortnie moved out and went to college. Where is my home?

This summer I lived with Mom at her house. Home always feels like wherever my family is, so I guess you could say I lived at home. However, on this college player bio form...when it asked for my hometown, I couldn't really say Millville because I never grew up there, and I have no roots there. I am rambling I know, I just needed to voice the hometown dilema.

On to a more positive note, I wanted to share my 'favorite quote' with you. (this was also a bio question).

{Promise me you'll always remember}

"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Christopher Robin to Pooh [In the Hundred Acre Wood]

The video is really quiet...turn it up:) This is from me to you.

August 14, 2011

{Sushi Night}

Well, we made it through the first week of two-a-days alive...bruised and beaten, but alive nonetheless! To celebrate this little accomplishment we all went out as a team to Bonsai, a little Chinese Cuisine for dinner!

I have only tried Sushi twice in my whole life! Once, forced by my track coach, and Second by my friend's Dad when I went to eat with their family. I didn't really know how I felt about it because I tried the super mild kinds...Until last night...I discovered....I LOVE Sushi!

I have a feeling I will be craving it randomly from now on throughout the rest of my life.

Do you recognize me as a blonde??

It was such a fun little dinner date with my girls.
After dinner, we all came back to the apartment dorms and a few of us decided to watch the Notebook. What a lovely evening. I hope to have more team bonding moments in the near future! Aren't my teammates beautiful?? I think so too!

Way to go team! Only one more week of two a days...

August 10, 2011

{Faith In Goodbyes}

Life changes so fast. It is really hard to think of a day or a week when you don't have to say bye to someone. We are constantly leaving, and changing, and moving on with different parts of our lives. Think about it. Who was the last person you said bye to?

Goodbyes, however are a little different than just a "bye". Does that make sense to anyone but me? Goodbyes are more long term. Longer than just a while, or a short time. Goodbyes produce the lack of something, a kind of void that is maybe hard to replace. Goodbyes maybe also produce an unknown-The unknown of when exactly one will reunite.

I recently had to say goodbye to my family, when I moved back to Wyoming for school. I say goodbye to my amazing Dad whenever I see him, because I never know when the next visit will be. I said goodbye to friends from high school at graduation. I have said goodbye to new friends in new places. I have said goodbye to a soldier in training he headed off to boot camp. I have said goodbye to a missionary who I was in love with.

The hardest thing about goodbyes, are that they never get easier. When I am not around the people I love, I feel like I am missing part of their lives. While my missionary is gone, I feel like he is missing mine. We miss the ones we love. In a way I try to have faith in my goodbyes. When it hurts to say goodbye, it reminds me that there is love between us. I have faith that I will see these people again. I have faith that goodbyes have made me stronger. I truly believe I am a little less insecure because I have learned how to handle a goodbye. And when I finally get to be with the ones I love will be the best feeling ( IT IS THE BEST FEELING!) to have them back again and realize it was all worth it. I am so lucky to have people in my life that it was hard to say goodbye to. I have faith that maybe there is a little good in goodbyes.

August 2, 2011

{There is no Arizona}

Katie and Brian are moving to Yuma Arizona...within a few weeks. I am so excited for them, and a little depressed at the same time. Kate...your my best friend sis♥ and Brian, well I guess I like you too! I will miss my sweet little Ty. He is growing up so much.

Over the last year, I have grown so close to Brian and Kate...especially Kate. I look up to Bri so much and admire his brain power and his dedication to school. I think he is a big part of why I decided to actively engage myself in school. The other day...Katie made a comment about me being a perfectionist [while I was crafting, and taping off a few things to create], Brian was helping me figure it out. Then he fired a witty little comment back at her"Kate you just don't have a scientific mind like us!"I was laughing so hard. I love you sis, and No one in the whole wide world can do my hair as good as you♥

Katie has been my rock for many years, and now I want to be hers. I am trying to be so positive about the move, and look at all the good in the situation. They will have a cute little house and a pool! Lucky right? I am sure that if I keep a smile on my face...I will keep the tears away for a while longer.

August 1, 2011

{My Stalker and A cute maintenance guy}

I currently am sitting on campus, trying to study but am getting a little distracted by the cute maintenance guy who is installing a new camera on the ceiling....kinda right above me. I must claim that I WAS here first, but I don't really find the need to bother moving! What do you think? Kortnie the Creep. haha Well, he smiled at me♥

AND....There was a stalker sighting. I haven't mentioned much about this, because I am not sure how public this will get..but I might have a stalker. Well, stalker might not be the right word, but this guy is a little obsessive. Here is the story:

Last week I decided that I needed a massive cardio workout. So inevitably I resorted to running Old Main stairs a million times. It was a great workout...and we all know how cute I look when I get done running. Cherry red face, sweating from everywhere you can see, crazy lioness hair on tip of my head, shaking get the picture. So, I sat down out of the way and was just listening to some calm tunes for a cool down. I didn't feel like "walking it off". So then....just as my sweat is starting to dry all salty like, some guy walks up behind me...and then slowly past me....and then stops. He was just like akwardly standing there about 5 feet away from me, facing the opposite direction. Like...umm ok?? What would possess him to stop there....mid hill and just stand there? Its not like he needed to take a breather....he was on the downhill. I'm still confused. Anyway, he then turns around and asked if I was working out. I of course said yes, completely stating the obvious. So then he keeps standing there, and the seconds tick on... and I began to get a little weirded out. He asked about my major and how long I had been at school here, and I never really returned the question. The conversation was very one sided. So then he stood and pondered a little longer, still looking in opposite directions. hahaha

So then, he turns around and goes in to shake my hand and tells me his name. This is when...I let my brilliant little mind relax for like two seconds too long. He said "I know this is probably completely unorthodox... but could I get your number?" AHHH....WHAT WAS I THINKING. I didn't really know what to say, and I forgot my sneaky avoidance tactics and I gave it to him. Dumb Dumb idea. So...a few days later, our first texting conversation consisted of me telling him I was not at all interested and that I was seriously dating someone. (My imaginary boyfriend for the time being). He didn't take this well. He said that he will never give up and that I don't know what I am missing. OMG. seriously?? We said all of 10 words to each other! Am I just that irresistible? I guess so. when he texts or calls on a daily basis...I do a lot of ignoring and avoiding.

I spotted him. Same back pack. Same hair line. Same awkward gait. IT had to be him, so I hurry and put on my [fake] glasses and started intently studying (blogging)! haha Luckily he didn't turn around or really scan the premises. I dodged the bullet. That would be a real sticky situation. haha Thats all really...I'm becoming real sneaky. That would be funny if he read this. Well...maybe not!