August 22, 2010



Ever Since I can remember, August has been an exciting month. It was always packed full of school shopping, fair times, end of summer camping trips, and half of my family's brithdays! Kade, my Daddy, and Kate all have August birthdays. So here is to another year! Cheers to them! I love you.

Well...first of all Kade, who is now a cute little teen! Where have the years flown by to. I actually can remember when he was born, bossing him around when he was old enough to play house and grocery store MY way! I love him. He is a little stud! Its hard being away from him.

Dad's birthday is next! My old man is the best man in the world! He is such a hard worker and has more patience than anyone I know. Thank you Dad for all the memories and love throughout the years!

Katie...Last but not least is my very Best Friend in the whole world. Only sisters have that kind of bond! There are so many things that sister's share! I miss my Kate! She is now the big 22! What a Rockstar! She is the best Mom and wife and I want to be like her someday! Love you Sis! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

August 15, 2010


Bre and I finally....after a week of two a days have set up our little apartment!!

If nothing else.....

The past year I have learned so much about life, about myself,and about what it feels like to really grow up. I hope I remember the little details that have brought me happiness but, at the start of this new school year, if nothing else....I have learned:

7:30 am classes are not an option.
I have really long toes! Much longer than most people!
Shut my car windows, even if it doesn't look like its going to rain soon!
Go to bed early.
The 4th floor of the library is the best for nap time.
Its fun to make new friends!
I study best by teaching others.
Rinse out my oatmeal bowls before I decide to leave it under me bed all year!
Clean up after myself...makes for happy roommates!
I like room temperature water.
Yoga. Pilates. Yes.
You don't have to go through the freshman 15.
I have drive.
I can run 13 miles without walking. I can.
I used to be a 13 year old too. Bratty...Yes, I used to be.
Go the people's fairwells.
I am stronger than I seem.
Andy Anderson is brilliant.
Its ok to be scared of the dark.
Mom usually knows best. Usually.
I know how to be an Army Girlfriend.
I know how to say goodbye to my missionary.
Patience is probably my life long goal.
Check on your toast when you use the oven on broil. OFTEN.
My sister is my best friend.
Even the brave may depend on SOMEONE.
There is only one road to true happiness.
Life is short and it goes by TOO FAST.
Wear Sunscreen.
I love the elderly.
My Dad works harder than anyone I know.
Drink a lot of water, and then some more.
I wouldn't wish Food Poisoning on my worst enemy.
I don't really have an enemy :).
"The Greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."
Never judge anyone.
Goodbyes are always hard.
Being an aunt is the greatest thing in the world.
I am fascinated by people's veins.
I love to write letters.
I hate empty mailboxes.
Spring Break is much more fun when you DON'T have a sprained ankle.
Take Risks, were only young once.
I love sad movies.
TWO WORDS: Intramural Champs!
Friends come and go....I'll never forget the times we had.
It is worth the WAIT! Believe me. and There should be more to come.
Family is the most important thing to me.
My brothers are studs.
It's ok to cry. It makes me feel better.
Did I mention I love Sad movies??
Be happy.
Someone is always watching!
I want to be a nurse even more than ever before.
I ♥ Life. I ♥ to Laugh.

Cheers to the next year! School starts in T-10 days. Here we go again!

August 10, 2010

The move...

Yes! I am all moved in! Can you believe it? I NEVER thought I would be here. I never thought I would be playing college volleyball, but I think I am really going to like it here. We have started two-a-days this week, and it is exhausting. I forgot how much I like volleyball and playing. There is a whole new pace however to this game. College is quick! We have a very deep, large team! Which should make for a lot of success! I love the thought of it. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to manage school, and this Full time job. Its not like other full time jobs, this is going to be physically challenging and demanding. Can I do this?? I will keep you updated on everything that I can. Wish me luck!