April 30, 2010


Life is so full of twists and turns. I have been sitting around thinking, nope not getting anything done, staring out the window looking at the rain. I'm a winner right?. go me. But wow, growing up is rough some times.

But I don't really want to talk about all that drama right now. too much to take. So...lets talk about another stressful topic! My boyfriend, of one year...Will be leaving for his mission in June, June 16 to be exact. 2 long years. If you haven't noticed I am in the mood to be a "Negative Nancy"! And to be more accurate, he isn't even home yet. He will be getting home from the Army stuff May 30th ish! Gosh! Stressful. I have known the whole time that this was coming, but the thought still kills me everytime.

I LOVE THE NEW SONG by KE$HA! Your Love is my drug! So awesome! Katie and I both Love it, hopefully it will be a good one to run to! Gosh I just wanna be a junkie and be a beach bum for the rest of my life!

I am diggin the rain, who needs sunshine??

Love you all! Love NANCY!

April 25, 2010


I can't wait for the time when me and Katie can say "We did it", and it be for our ultimate goal to begin with! But...I still DID IT! I ran the longest I have ever ran in my life yesterday evening! 7 full miles! Can you believe it! WOW! Katie was doing hair at the salon all day, and we had planned that we were going to do the run when she was done. I am pretty suprised actually that I wasn't dreading the crap out it all day! I was pretty excited! I ate well all day, and it was so exciting! So, we ran from my mom's house out in Millville, into Logan, past Macey's and such to the light after it! That distance was 3.5 miles, so then we ran back! the total was 7! YAY!! Katie should be posting the pre/post run pics...NOT very flattering of us! But I am so proud of us! We even sprinted to the end! And SHE is a stallion, we think she has a stress fracture in her foot and she still battled through it! I am so glad that us sister's are running partners! There is never any pressure to talk about stupid stuff, just to make conversation! We ran without ipods (SCARY THOUGHT!!!), but it wasn't very bad! We ran the whole thing except for a short pit stop! I had a very full bladder:) But other than that...we ran the whole time and pulled out the energy for the little sprint at the end! During the sprint we were yelling encouraging things at each other ( "come on...lets go! We can do it!!! Beat me beat me!") Kinda WAY cheesy looking back, but we do what we gotta do! Crazy! Congrats Katie and Kortnie! We Rock Chica!

Excited for the Final week....to be OVER!

Well, here we go! I am down to the final 2 weeks of school. One more week of classes and learning, then a full cramming study weekend and then the final exams! Can you believe seriously that I am finishing my first year of college! Time flies by when you are busy. And i think it flew even faster because all of this was a new experience for me! Looking back, I realize that I love school even more! I love all of the new people that I have met! I have loved my roommates and that whole experience. School itself has been hard, but I love the subjects I have been in! Next semester (fall 2010) is going to be so frustrating! I guess I should have evaluated everything out before signing up for classes, but I have to take LAME math 1050! I should have just taken it in high school. I know EVERYONE has to go through it, but I totally think I will suck my way through it! then I am taking Microbiology, and some Chemistry classes, and who knows what else is in store! But...after that semester I can apply for nursing school! I have a feeling that it will be a giant waiting game to get accepted, but I am so excited that it came sooner than I thought.

So, I know I am being a little bit of a hypocrite, but I am really going to hit this blogginng thing hard...After Finals! Then Hello Summer! Hopefully I will have a lot more time and energy for all of this! Love you all:)

April 21, 2010

Freshhh Start!

So, here we go! This is officially my new attempt at blogging! I have been looking and following a lot of blogs lately and I got all inspired to give this another shot! I am still very new to this, so don't judge! Anyways...I just got done with a good day at school, a short day at work, and going to do my daily run here pretty soon! I decided a while ago, well should I say, Me and Kate, my sister decided to start training for a half marathon! So we signed up!

It is the Utah Valley Marathon June 12, 2010....So very soon! We have been training pretty consistant aside from a sprained KANKLE of mine a few weeks ago! That put me a little off track, but we are just getting back into the heat of the training! I am loving it so far, although I still have those days where I am not looking forward to running, or the days I just feel like eating junk food! Other than that it has been great! Today I will be running 4.5 miles. Its rainy outside, but cool none the less, perfect opportunity! I am really excited!

Also, big news of the week, I signed my housing contract for the summer and am looking forward to the move! I am moving in with all random girls, so we will see how that goes! It is super cute little house, right here close to campus with a little yard! PERFECT for laying out in the summer! WOO! It can't come soon enough!

Anyway, other than that...I will update you often on how my life is going!! Love you all!