August 26, 2012


Birthdays, Boys, and Football are in full swing around these parts:)
Along with Kyle and Kade's growing hair....things seem to be changing a lot!
Here are a few pics of me and the boys...getting this school year started!

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I know I have been M.I.A. for the last few weeks....:) but I wanted to give a (late) and quick shoutout to the greatest Dad in the world. I love you Dad. Happy birthday.
Thank you for everything that you do for me! I love how close we have gotten, and for the infinite amount of wisdom you seem to teach me. Thank you for always doing your best!

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May 21, 2012


What a big week last week was.
I am now 21.
My, my how time flies.
I graduated.
(only 2, maybe 3 more to go...)
I spent a lot of wonderful time with my family.
More pics to come ♥
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May 6, 2012

{Feeling Optimistic}

Somehow I think things are on the rise. I am feeling very optimistic. I got the job I was hoping for. I am an alternate to an amazing nursing program. I am surrounded by an amazing family, and get to talk to those that are a little too far away right now....but I am feeling very optimistic. I love the springtime for that reason; things always turn matter how much rain comes pouring down... the flowers still come out.

We are so blessed to live in such an amazing time where we are surrounded by opportunity. I am grateful to be working myself to the bone...saving money and getting things in order for the next phase of my school and life.

Kyle, Kade, and I got to go visit Grama and Elliot today. What an amazing man he is. He is one of the most selfless people I have ever met. I love his positive attitude and affirmations.

Mom is in sooo much pain right now with a toothache... I came home last night and have not seen her in that much pain in a while. However, after some research and creativity Mom and I are believers in alternative medicine. YAY for home remedies. Who knew garlic cloves worked such wonders???Turns out it kills pain by releasing Allicin (stimulates parts of the immune system)...and scares vampires away. Seriously... I love you Mom. Again, you are the toughest person I know. ( For chewing up raw garlic and shoving it in your lip...alone is admirable.)

There is so much to be happy about...we are surrounded by power, strength, and blessings. I am going to do better in recognizing them. I might also be growing a garlic patch :)

April 17, 2012


For some reason....stress always seems to just build up inside me for long periods of time. I have a skill called...bottling up my emotions. I would not recommend acquiring this skill. Anyway, a lot of changes have started to take place in my life and I have found myself at a very discouraging and frustrating road.

I am trying to get into nursing school. I feel smart qualified. I feel motivated and ready. However, to the committees in the Nursing schools that I apply to, I am just another application packet. I did not get in to two of the schools I applied to. I was immediately sad and got discouraged. I am still waiting to hear back from one more...{still hopeful}. But, I do realize that this is my first round applying, and here in Utah, people apply for years before they get in sometimes. I know that all of this is happening for a reason. There has to be a better plan for me. A better one that I have wanted to make for myself. God has a plan for me. 

I am trying to buy a car. I am a first time car buyer, and ya know...never had a credit card or have credit of any kind. I never thought it would be so stressful trying to figure out financing....and I would find myself just crying and trying to figure it out. And then I came across a really amazing car situation yesterday. Everything for the first time started to come together, and seemed like a good idea. I decided that I needed to pray really hard about this, to find a feeling a peace to move forward with buying this car. And....the Peace never came. My wonderful Dad reminded me that patience will lead me to the best places in life. I need to remember not to rush into patient in waiting and listen to the promptings from up above.

I think Patience is the greatest lesson to be learned in this life. Good things come to those who wait. (in all aspects of life)...I feel like having patience is the story of my life.

I have decided that I am going to keep waiting...and keep praying...and keep believing that the best is yet to come. In this, I found some peace.

"God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can't if you don't pray, and He can't if you don't dream. In short, He can't if you don't believe.” 
― Jeffrey R. Holland

April 15, 2012


I do not know how to express in words what I want to say. I wish there was a way to just let me heart open up, and write all this down for me...

Kate, my the most beautiful woman I know.

When I look at her, I see exactly who I hope to become. I am so blessed to have been able to follow her, a little unknown shadow for so many years.

I would like to say that I am mentally strong. I would like to say that I am motivated and driven. I would like to say that I will be a good mom someday.....but in reality, all of these things are because of her.

I never would have been brave enough to go play college volleyball if it wasn't for her. I never would have had the strength to run 13.1 miles straight without her voice in my ear. Now lets take a step back and realize that yeah, I am pretty independent and will be successful someday...but Kate has been a part of every step I take for (almost) 21 years now. She is my role model, my source of positive energy, my only big sister to look up to, and my very best friend.

If only I could find a husband who had the level of 'Kortnie Sense' that she does.

Kate, when you read this I want you to know how you have influenced me this last month. Watching you bring the most perfect baby girl into the world was a modern day miracle...

First off, I must say....I thought I scored big time by simply making it off the plane in Arizona before you had the baby. I was relieved and pumped that you were having contractions.I wanted to keep walking and running around just to keep you progressing. I wanted to whisper corny little mantras in your ear and get that baby out....

I should have known that you would take the lead and be able to get yourself there all on your own... You, again taught me that I needed to just relax and let things happen. To find your inner strenth...

I want to thank you for letting me be a part of that special day with you and Brian. I know I was not the greatest photographer, but I tried my very best :) Sometimes I would catch myself just starring, wiping the little tears from my eyes. Of course all that was between the snapping photos, constant texting fam on progress, and trying to keep you focussed.
When I saw the peace and calm within you during this whole process I was so suprised. However, I distinctly remember when the look in your EYES changed. You look more determined and ready that I have ever seen. You looking strong and in control...always calm...but powerful. Witnessing a baby being born and feeling the energy of the room...I was kind of at a lack of emotions. I don't think it all hit me until last night...I was having such a hard day and the only person, second to my Heavenly Father, that I wanted to talk to...was you. you are a hero kate. Someday Ellie is going to know how amazing her Mother is and realize that you have a gift. You are so stable. You are so giving. You risked your life to bring that sweet girl into this world. You walked through so much pain for her, and Ty. You make worldy things not matter. You remind me that there is no greater thing on this earth than Family. (luckily, we have one of the best around). But you are making your OWN family. I want it...because you have it. Kind of like all the new clothes you buy:)

I really hope you can be there when I experience all of this someday. I already know I will be a sweaty, screaming mess...:)But, I hope you can be there to hold my hand, paint my toe nails, and tell me that I can do hard things. Just like you always do....and always have. I love you. I know Brian and Ty Love you, and I cannot wait until Ellie can tell you for herself :)

I love being an Aunt. I cannot think of anything greater so far in my life. I am so happy you get to go through everything before I do (high school vball....marriage...babies...haha). Thank you for being my Rock. Miss you Sis...:)thank you for helping me through all my hard times. I will never give up on being a nurse..thanks for promising to never let me.

See you soon Kate♥

March 15, 2012

{My Little Zebb}

I am so glad I got to spend the day with my little Zebb ♥ last week.

He, is hands of the cutest babies I have ever known! (must be that terrific gene pool)...

I love my baby brother. Keep growing strong and healthy sweet Rhett...

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{In Loving Memory....continued}

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{In Loving Memory...}

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