February 18, 2012

{I will be}

It is half way through February?? Really...? I cannot believe it. Ever since I was a little girl I have had a little February ritual.

Valentines Day is great and everything...(no, really...I do love it)...But I was never really sure if I would have a Valentine. No guarantees, ya know? So...I started to look forward to Valentine's Day because it is a little mile-marker on the way to May 14.

Valentines Day means it is exactly three months until the birthday...mine, that is. In LESS than three months I will be:

looking seriously for a car to buy.
a Proud Auntie Bear to a beautiful new Neice.
twenty one.
ready for my half marathon.
halfway ready for the full.

I am getting really really excited for Kate and her baby. Keeping cooking sweet baby girl.


This version of the song is one hundred thousand times better than Bruno Mars. I love you Alejandro. ♥ Boyce Avenue.

February 8, 2012

If it's not like the movies...

This is going to be one of the cheesiest posts I have ever done...but from top to bottom, I think every word of it will be true!

They say when you know...you know......BUT I don't know.

Relationships are complicated and always have their ups and downs...I understand that. I don't jump to conclusions, and try not to assume what is around every corner. I do not believe our lives are going to be sweet perfect little fairytales. I think there is going to be hard times, and someday through marriage I will have to work at love every day....

But....I also think that at some point in every relationship, everything should come easily. The butterflies, the blushing, the nervousness, the insane way we miss him every time he is not around SHOULD BE THERE. If it's not like the movies (in this way)....that's how is should be! Cinematic and Dramatic...with the perfect ending.

I know that there are so many good guys. I know of one in particular right now,who is one of the most amazing guys I have ever met. But I don't want to stop until I have found that unshakable, romantic...exciting feeling in my heart.

I have learned a lot in my life, and know that trials are going to always be coming my way. 20 years down the road, when I am married...I know trials will still come. I believe that true love is the only thing that is going to help me make it through everything. I want the kind of love that you cannot deny. The kind that you want to be with him every minute of every day. I know it is out there...because I have felt it before. I love to love ♥ (anyone who knows me, knows that quote) :)

If stars don't align, if it doesn't stop time...I will wait for it. I believe he can be the one who finishes my sentences.

This song is exactly how I feel right now♥

February 4, 2012

Best Friends

The three of us are quite the pair. I love my Mom and Katie so much. They understand me :)
Thank you guys for helping me through some rough patches so far this 2012. I know there will be plenty more to come, but I am so happy that I have you two to help me through it (and my amazing Dad.) I know we are not the most photogenic bunch, but we are special in our own way!
I hope I can be half the Mom that they both are someday...especially Kate. I love watching her parenting skills. Watching her sit Ty down, and make him go to time out, and learn from his actions is..priceless. I know she will return the favor and be laughing at me someday too♥ She works so hard and is cooking up my little Neice right now. Model quality....can't you tell??

Beautifil Kate & Momma

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I really wish I had the imagination of a 2 year old. I had such a good time with Ty and Katie while they were here on an extended little stay here in Utah. Ty loved to play with the horses. He would line them all up in single file and laugh so hard at the sight of them all.
I will miss him....Until March:)

Look at that little smile. I give him whatever he wants! haha

My little Ty.

I can't believe I will be getting a neice soon! We are counting the weeks. I can't imagine how I can love another one! But I am sure I will find a way. Ty....Aunt Keek misses you! Be good for Mommy. I will see you soon.
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Shopping Therapy

Well all else fails...a little shopping is the BEST therapy session a girl can have! Especially when running is not an option (because it is Winter). This could be a dangerous habit...but I have been known to be the worst shopper in the world. I am frugal, and do not buy something unless I love it. Well, this is my new moto! I found these beautiful TURQUOISE earrings...for a total of $12.00 at a local cute little boutique! I love my new purchases. ♥

Therapy indeed.
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