May 21, 2012


What a big week last week was.
I am now 21.
My, my how time flies.
I graduated.
(only 2, maybe 3 more to go...)
I spent a lot of wonderful time with my family.
More pics to come ♥
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May 6, 2012

{Feeling Optimistic}

Somehow I think things are on the rise. I am feeling very optimistic. I got the job I was hoping for. I am an alternate to an amazing nursing program. I am surrounded by an amazing family, and get to talk to those that are a little too far away right now....but I am feeling very optimistic. I love the springtime for that reason; things always turn matter how much rain comes pouring down... the flowers still come out.

We are so blessed to live in such an amazing time where we are surrounded by opportunity. I am grateful to be working myself to the bone...saving money and getting things in order for the next phase of my school and life.

Kyle, Kade, and I got to go visit Grama and Elliot today. What an amazing man he is. He is one of the most selfless people I have ever met. I love his positive attitude and affirmations.

Mom is in sooo much pain right now with a toothache... I came home last night and have not seen her in that much pain in a while. However, after some research and creativity Mom and I are believers in alternative medicine. YAY for home remedies. Who knew garlic cloves worked such wonders???Turns out it kills pain by releasing Allicin (stimulates parts of the immune system)...and scares vampires away. Seriously... I love you Mom. Again, you are the toughest person I know. ( For chewing up raw garlic and shoving it in your lip...alone is admirable.)

There is so much to be happy about...we are surrounded by power, strength, and blessings. I am going to do better in recognizing them. I might also be growing a garlic patch :)