September 16, 2011

{Find the Love}

It takes over everything you are.

It makes you do things you never thought you could do before.

But that's what makes it so can't control it.

It changes everything in a's Love.

So many times when I go throughout my day, I feel like something is missing. I get so wrapped up inthe chaos of life that I forget to slow down...and love a little.

I want to fall in love with as many things as I can in my matter what they are.

Today I am so grateful for my team. I love those girls. We are like sisters. Our season is progressing and it has been a bumpy ride, but I love it. I love the smell of the gym. I love the hundreds of cheering fans. I love running together and crying together. I am proud to be a leader and a captain of this team, although we have many. I love where I am at in my life, and if I had to choose...I would not be anywhere different.

There are many different types of love. I am not looking for love right now I am just loving life and hoping as I do doors will open and I can reach my dreams. Never take any day for granted. We never know when it may be our last. Life is too short not to love.

It brings a whole new perspective when I look at each day this way. Love and Happiness are moments within us.

September 1, 2011

{Service...and The Help}

Do we really have any idea how blessed we are?

I have no doubt in my heart that there is someone up above looking down at us. Every moment of every day...someone is watching out for me. This week, is a testimony of that.

I am here to tell you that I know people come into our lives at the right time. Everyone we meet has a purpose in our life. Or maybe, just maybe we have a purpose in theirs.

I want to be the kind of girl that people can come in contact with, and be happy that they met me. I want to serve. I want to help people the way I have been helped.

My heart is so full....

I want to challenge everyone, wherever you are, to find someone this week and help them. Karma is real...or maybe a real big hoax... but there is something magic that comes back to you, when you take the time to serve others.

don't believe me? try it. you will see.
Speaking of Helping...and that big H word. I want to see The Help so bad. But before I watch the movie, I really want to read the book.